10 Dark Storylines That Disney Movies Left Out

6. Snow White’s evil stepmother eats her after the huntsman ‘kills’ her

Ariel The Little Mermaid

Back in 1938, Walt Disney chose the Brothers Grimm story (which they adapted from a 19th century German folk tale) Snow White to be his first full length animated movie.

The original tale told of a seven-year-old Snow White being taken into the forest by the hunter to be killed on the orders of her wicked stepmother the Queen. He was instructed to bring back her internal organs as proof that she had been killed, but he substitutes the lungs and liver of a wild boar. The Queen, thinking they belonged to the girl, proceeds to eat them!

When the Queen discovers Snow White is still alive, she tries three more times to kill her. Firstly, by tricking her into putting on a corset which she ties so tightly the girl passes out, only revived when the dwarves loosen the laces. Her second attempt gets Snow White to put a poisoned comb in her hair, with the dwarves again saving her by removing it. The third attempt was shown in the Disney film, with the poisoned apple.

The story ends with the still seven-year-old child marrying the Prince, but the Queen is punished at the wedding by being forced to dance in a pair of red-hot iron shoes until she falls down dead in agony.

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Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat