10 Dark Storylines That Disney Movies Left Out

2. The Princess smashes the frog against a wall to break the spell

Ariel The Little Mermaid

Best known by the version included in the Grimm Brothers compilation, The Frog Prince was the inspiration for Disney’s The Princess and the Frog in 2009.

Unlike in the film, the girl is a spoilt princess from the start. She is given a gold ball for her birthday, which she drops into a pond. A speaking frog comes up to her and tells her he will help to find her ball in return for her loving him and letting him sleep in her bed. She agrees and the princess snatches the ball before running away, never intending to keep her promise to the frog.

The frog arrives at the palace and the princess is rude to him. He explains what has happened to the King who tells the princess off and embarrasses her, saying she must keep her vow to the frog. When she complains that he will make her bed dirty he tells her to put him between her knees so only she will get dirty. She then threatens to choke him if he isn’t quiet.

Still disgusted by him, she finally loses her temper when he crawls into her bed and throws him angrily against a wall. As he falls, he is transformed into a handsome prince, breaking the spell on him.

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Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat