10 Darkest Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. Tony's Panic Attack - Iron Man 3

Broken Shield Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

One of Iron Man 3's stronger points is that it deals with the emotional ramifications an alien attack and a near-death experience would have on those involved, something that many blockbusters - films that like to show the explosions but not the consequences of those explosions - would not do.

One such scene finds Tony, who's very clearly still scarred by the Chitauri invasion and his experience flying through the wormhole, suffer a panic attack at a restaurant after being reminded of the incident by an autograph-seeking child, before fleeing to his suit, which he now feels is the safest place he can be.

It's compelling stuff, and it's great to see a comic-book movie acknowledge that underneath the armour, special powers and tough-as-nails exterior, superheroes are just as vulnerable as anybody else.

Tony's struggle in Iron Man 3 even caught the attention of real-life psychology professor Dr. Travis Langley, who had this to say around the time the film came out:

"In Iron Man 3, Anthony Stark appears to meet the full criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. He either does not know enough about PTSD or he is in denial, refusing to recognize his own problem, which is a common occurence among some of those who suffer similarly in real life."

When you stop and think about Tony's mental state in Iron Man 3, it truly is devastating - a couple of movies ago, this guy was possibly the most cheerful person on Earth.

That major character transition only served to increase the impact of this moment; for Tony to go through a change this drastic, his suffering must be deep, distressing and confidence-destroying.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.