10 Darkly Disturbing Disney Movie Theories

2. The Creepy Origin Of Pixar’s Cars

Finding Nemo

It’s no secret that Disney loves taking something that isn’t human and injecting it with an overdose of anthropomorphism, whether its animals (Bambi, The Jungle Book, The Lion King), objects (Beauty and the Beast) or – as in the case of Disney-Pixar’s Cars – vehicles.

But whereas animals and objects often exist alongside humans in Disney films, you may have noticed that there’s a curious lack of any human presence in the Cars franchise. The cars all speak human languages, seem to observe different human cultures across the globe and even have parts designed specifically for human use like windows and door handles … and yet there are no humans? Hmm.

One fan theory suggests a perturbing reason behind this that’ll have you seriously side-eyeing the next announcement about Google’s self-driving car project. The theory goes that as automobiles became more and more evolved they gained sentience, decided autonomy from humankind was the way forward and killed off all us homo sapiens.

The theory isn’t endorsed by Pixar officially of course but Jay Ward, creative director of the Cars franchise, has given the idea his seal of approval.


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