10 DCEU Fan Theories You Need To Hear

8. Vandal Savage Is Referenced In Batman V Superman

justice league
DC Comics

Between battling each other, dealing with Lex Luthor and taking down Doomsday, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman had their hands full in Dawn of Justice, but this theory suggests the film harbours a subtle reference to yet another villain.

During the scene involving Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne in the museum, the two characters discuss an artefact dubbed the Sword of Alexander and note that the version on display is fake.

The real version is said to be "hanging over the bed of the Sultan of Hajar", a character some fans believe to be the immortal supervillain Vandal Savage.

Savage is a formidable foe in the comics and is exactly the calibre of big bad the DCEU will need once Steppenwolf has been defeated, but could this mysterious Sultan really be him?

The evidence linking the two characters stems from the fact that Savage and Alexander the Great are one and the same. It's one of the many aliases the villain has adopted throughout history, along with Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler and Jack the Ripper.

Surely Zack Snyder knew he'd trigger fan theories like these by including an Alexander reference in Batman v Superman, so maybe there is something to it.

On the other hand, it could just be a coincidence, as these things often are.


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