10 Deadliest Characters In Star Wars History

2. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin

Deadliest Star Wars Characters Lando Hux

Looking at what his one-time colleague/rival was able to pull off in Rogue One and seemingly making it his mission to blow Director Krennic's explosive efforts out of the water in more ways than one, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's actions when commanding the Death Star were nothing short of barbaric.

Rogue One obviously saw the military officer blow Scarif's Citadel Tower, and a big chunk of the planet, to smithereens in much the same way Krennic obliterated Jedha City. But that zapping of the Director, Cassian Andor, and Jyn Erso merely served as a deadly appetiser.

A New Hope took things to a different fatal level altogether. In a demonstration of the Death Star's true power, rather than just blast a portion of the planet, Tarkin decided to completely destroy Princess Leia Organa's homeworld of Alderaan before her very eyes.

And just how many voices cried out in terror before being suddenly silenced, I hear you ask?

Well, it wasn't merely millions as Obi-Wan Kenobi alluded to during Episode IV. It was in fact BILLIONS.

2,000,000,000, to be exact, perished during that shocking display of unlimited power.

But even after all that, Tarkin's still not the biggest bringer of death in Star Wars history...

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