10 Deadliest Movie Viruses

7. The Stand

Virus: "Captain Trips" - weaponised influenza. Symptoms: Fever, death. The Stand, based on Stephen King's novel, is set in the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a weaponised strain of influenza, which was accidentally released by the military. The virus manages to wipe out the entire military base from which it was emerged, and kills over 99% of the world's population in under two months. In the TV miniseries, some of the survivors are able to form a fragile community, although no cure for the superflu appears possible. In a plot point that's slightly less grounded in terrifying reality, there's also an antagonistic demonic force that's trying to spread further chaos and terror, even after the plague's terrifying devastation.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.