2. Betty Blue (1986)

I have to include a film that opens with the two main characters Betty (Beatrice Dalle) and Zorg (Jean Hugues Anglade) having mad passionate stark naked sex for the viewer to ogle at in all their glory! Betty Blue is one long torrid shag fest between Betty and Zorg the whole way throughout the film until she cracks up and gouges out her eyeball. She is then declared insane beyond all help and there is nothing that can be done for her - Zorg smothers her with a pillow. But we still remember the fabulously sexy Betty, hands down one of the most erotic portrayals of female sexual abandon by Beatrice Dalle. She is just sooo unbelievably sexy in this film, you cannot take your eyes of her. She also has great chemistry with Jean Hugues Anglade and half the time they are having sex, you wonder if they are doing it for real. A good story and a good sexfest.