10 Deleted Movie Endings Way Better Than What We Got

7. The Descent

I Am Legend Will Smith

If you're looking for the kind of horror movie that'll leave you staring blankly up at the ceiling while you feel your soul slowly wither and die, then The Descent is the horror movie for you. But maybe you feel like the ending is a bit too happy. As in, one of them gets away alive.

Well apparently, the filmmakers thought the same thing. Which is why we have a completely shot and fully edited original ending that just barely missed getting into theaters. In the ending we ended up getting, the main heroine gets away from the underground cave monsters, crawls her way out of the cave itself, and lives to likely be labeled a loon when she tries to get people to take her claims of, let's be real here, mole people, seriously.

But originally, the film did not have such a happy ending. All of that was going to happen, but then the heroine would wake up. She had imagined her entire daring escape, because - as shown by her then hallucinating her daughter at a birthday party - our heroine has gone completely mad from the horror that has befallen her. Which the mole people then take advantage of, as they move in to kill her while she's blissfully off in fantasy land.

Shockingly, this ending was deemed to be a bit too dark for US audiences, so the ending was changed. But considering how unrelentingly brutal the rest of the film is, one could definitely argue that the original fits the tone a lot better.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?