10 Deleted Scenes That Actually Improve Movie Characters

5. Bail Organa And The Alliance, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005)

In the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits) is little more than moving wallpaper, and many casual viewers may not even know his name. Revenge Of The Sith shows him involved with the senate, Padme and Yoda throughout the film, but there is never an explicit connection made as to why he's there.

Surprisingly it is one of this film's slower deleted scenes that holds the key to understanding the character of Bail Organa and his importance to the events of the entire series.

Here we see him gathered with Padme Amidala and a handful of other members of the Galactic Senate, discussing the corruption of Chancellor Palpatine and potential downfall of the Republic. Padme interrupts Organa before he can say what kind of organisation he and Senator Mon Mothma are putting together, but avid viewers of the saga will know from the original trilogy that this is the beginning of the Rebel Alliance.

Not only does this establish the birth of the rebellion, as well as setting up Padme, Obi-Wan and Yoda's reason for trusting him (with Anakin Skywalker's newborn, on top of everything else!), but it clearly shows us where the seeds of his adopted daughter Leia's rebellion were planted.


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