10 Deleted Scenes That Actually Improve Movie Characters

2. Malfoy's Redemption - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is full of twists, turns, deaths and redemptions, but one of the most important of all is the one we never got to see.

We all know Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) was never truly evil, but this scene puts a definitive stamp on the matter. In Hogwarts' courtyard, as Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) taunts the remaining fighters, a supposedly dead Harry makes a break from Hagrid's arms. In the confusion, Malfoy sprints ahead of Voldemort and tosses Harry his wand to defend himself.

There are unfortunately only rough clips of the moment, as the sequence was not even committed to the editing process (check out the background green screens and Voldemort's nose) - and so was never fully considered for inclusion in the film.

And it isn't hard to imagine why: the Dark Lord would likely have blasted Blondie Jr out of the way as he advanced, ending this purebloodline in its tracks.

Regardless, this would have proven Malfoy was not a self-serving coward to the end, when he finally stood up for what was right and helped Harry in a moment of dire need, rather than just skulking up the hillside with Mother and Father as the battle raged on.


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