10 Deleted Sci-Fi Movie Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

Ever wonder where "to infinity and beyond" came from? One deleted scene holds the answers!

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Ending
20th Century Fox

Despite regularly playing host to some of the most mesmerising and spellbinding stories ever told on the big-screen, the sci-fi genre doesn't half have a habit of leaving you with your jaw smacking off the ground and giving your noggin a scratch or two on occasion.

Whether due to perhaps a touch too much dense terminology and exposition throughout the runtime or the sheer speed and scale of the larger than life tale being told sometimes leaving a few plot holes or puzzling questions in its wake, it's not uncommon to wander out of a science fiction spectacular feeling somewhat confused.

However, had the following deleted scenes been left in the out of this world finished product, there's a solid chance a number of moments and developments that seemed baffling or downright bizarre at first wouldn't have actually been a source of confusion by the time the film's end credit finally rolled.

So, from a throwaway line in the middle of a deleted dying moment shedding further light on one of the galaxy's oddest beats, to precisely how The God of Thunder's latest toy actually works, these are those deleted sci-fi moments that explain or inform utterly perplexing movie occurrences.

10. Ridley's Shocking Loss Informs Her Bond With Newt - Aliens

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Ending
20th Century Studios

While it'd be unfair to claim that Ellen Ripley's need to save young Newt from the clutches of the terrifying Xenomorphs occupying LV-426 was in any way illogical - this was a scared child in danger and Ripley was seemingly doing what any good-hearted human would hopefully do in that horrifying scenario - a scene cut from the theatrical version of James Cameron's legendary Aliens feature does make her reasons for putting herself in harms way for the recently discovered youngster a little clearer.

Said deleted scene sees Ripley sit down for a conversation with Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke not long after waking from stasis. And it's here when the Xenomorph survivor asks "do you have any news about my daughter?"

With Ripley being asleep for some 57 years, Burke is forced to break the news of her daughter actually passing away two years earlier at the age of 66. And it's her response of "I promised her I'd be home for her birthday. Her 11th birthday," and subsequent tears that then reframe her eventual need to save Newt from there on out.

Without the scene, Newt is simply a child in danger. With it, she's a chance to make up for the fact Ripley wasn't there for her own daughter due to her alien battles and stasis sacrifice in the first film.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...