10 Deleted Star Wars Moments You Won't Believe Nearly Happened

6. A 10-Year-Old Orphan Was Solo On Kashyyyk - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

Maarva Andor

Seeing a few familiar Original Trilogy faces pop up at various points in the Prequel day definitely made for some of the most satisfying beats George Lucas was able to weave into his sprawling epics.

However, there was actually a moment there when yet another notable OG character was on the cusp of popping up in Revenge of the Sith.

As the action made its way to Kashyyyk during the closing stages of the Clone Wars, none other than a young Han Solo was once written into the mix, with Lucas introducing a 10-year-old orphan version of the eventual icon being raised by Chewie on his home planet.

Not only this, young Solo would've also come equipped with a line of dialogue, too, with the youngster telling Master Yoda, "I found part of a transmitter droid near the east bay. I think it’s still sending and receiving signals."

Of course, this fleeting Han cameo didn't quite get past the concept art stage and was ultimately dropped before the Kashyyyk sequences were shot. And while it would've been cool to see a quick nod to the eventual loveable smuggler, keeping the action more focused on the fall of Anakin Skywalker and other tales being told in Episode III was probably the wiser move.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...