10 Deleted Star Wars Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

8. How Did Luke React To Han's Death? - The Last Jedi

Luke and Han go on an extraordinary journey throughout the original trilogy, growing from a naive farmboy and morally grey rogue to two close heroes of the galaxy. Their initially contrasting personalities end up aligning into one of the most wholesome relationships in the franchise, making it all the more sad that audiences never got one last scene of the pair in any of the Disney trio of films.

In fact, Han's tragic death at the hands of his own son was not only helped in part by Luke's failure as a Grand Master to Ben Solo, but was pretty quickly brushed aside throughout most of The Last Jedi.

Leia could sense Han's death as it happened, so the effect such an event would have had on someone as in tune with the force as Luke would have been something to truly behold. Whilst audiences don't get to see it as it happens, there is a beautiful cut scene in The Last Jedi where the former Grand Master retreats into his tent and is momentarily broken by his friend's death. So many emotions seem to be rushing through him, from the failure to guide his nephew to the loss of someone so close to him, and Mark Hamill sells it wonderfully.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.