10 Deleted Star Wars Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

6. What Happened To Crashed Pod Racers? - The Phantom Menace

There's no denying that one of Star Wars' greatest moments is the Boonta Eve Classic podrace from The Phantom Menace. Everything from the parade of flags and impressive practical spectator set, to the variety in noises from each and every pod helps to ramp up the tension prior to the race, and the adrenaline-pumping sequences once things get under way do a great job in keeping everything enthralling.

Audiences are told a lot about the dangers of podracing throughout the movie, with Anakin Skywalker supposedly the only human in the galaxy with the level of reflexes needed to compete in an event. And throughout the race the dangers are indeed shown firsthand, with Anakin having to think fast in his seat on more than one occasion and every racer bar Skywalker spinning off and crashing into the Tatooine sands.

Whilst it might be easy to think of these racers as all done for, a deleted scene from the film shows a small carrier flying over to crashed ships and dispensing a few repair droids to fan the flames and make what fixes they can to the damaged pods, giving us hope that a fair few racers got out with most of their limbs.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.