10 Despicable Movie Villains From The Last Decade We All Loved To Hate

3. Calvin Candie €“ Django Unchained (2012)

''Gentleman, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.''
Played By: Leonardo DiCaprio The Villain: Prior to the release of Django Unchained you might think of 'Candyland' and picture a theme park where houses are made of gingerbread and Gummi bears rain down from the sky. Post Django Unchained, Candyland evokes quite different imagery. Home to slaver-cum-plantation owner Calvin Candie, Candyland is a place where to be black is to live in terror of Calvin. The chief inflictor of monstrous cruelties forces slaves to fight to the death, all in the name of a good bit of fun. Most Despicable Moment: When slave fighter D'artangan is captured after trying to flee and refuses to fight anymore, Calvin Candie casually orders his men to release the dogs which duly rip him apart. The murder is so horrific it rocks experienced bounty hunter Dr Shultz to his core and this is a man who has seen and done a lot. The murder affects him so badly that when the freedom of Django's wife is all but secured Dr Shultz has visions of poor D'artangan which result in him doing what he considers the only honourable thing he can do; putting a bullet through Candie's heart.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.