10 Director's Cuts That Ruined Awesome Movies

1. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

011 Was anything else ever going to be #1, really? When George Lucas began working on writing Star Wars Episode I in the late 1990s, he realised that his original film was far from perfect, and wanted to bring it up to the standards of current technology, by adding scenes, fixing visual effects and so on. Though some of the CGI additions do work, there's one infamous edit - as pictured above - that has had fans up in arms ever since its release, and that's the notion of Greedo shooting first; fans argue that this scene undermines Han Solo's intelligence and ruthlessness, as in the original version he shoots first, cementing him as smart and tactically-minded. Here he seems like a wimp who only got lucky that Greedo missed his shot at close freaking range, as otherwise he'd be deader than a doornail. Also, a scene in which Solo talks to Jabba the Hut is horribly rendered, an easy complaint to make now, but even upon release the poor visual effects were endlessly criticised. George Lucas seems content to butcher pretty much anything good he has made, and it all began with his horrendous Special Edition that undid a lot of the original cut's good work. Which Director's Cut bothers you the most? Let us know in the comments below.

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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.