10 Directors Who Really Need To Make A Movie Outside Their Usual Genre

7. Dennis Dugan - Adam Sandler Comedies

Grown Ups 2 Dennis Dugan wouldn't have a career without Adam Sandler. He's been directing the alternative comedian since Happy Gilmore with few exceptions. All he really does is point a camera at Sandler, who then screams something unintelligible. This footage is then cut together with other actors doing plot progressive activities and that's how we ended up with Jack & Jill. Dugan isn't really the one to blame, either, as I have no doubts that despite being credited as the director, Sandler is the one running the show. Dugan was just lucky enough to direct Sandler in Happy Gilmore and Sandler decided to have him tag along for the rest of his career. To Dugan's credit, he's not terrible, he actually does make films that are entertaining to specific audiences. Grown Ups was one of the most panned films of 2010 and yet its box office performance was incredible, all things considered. Truthfully, Dugan probably shouldn't be directing movies at all, but I hear he's a pretty good painter who's had a few gallery exhibits, so perhaps animation is the genre he should venture in to. Who knows, maybe Eight Crazy Nights would have been slightly less terrible is Dugan had been at the helm.

Kevin Terpstra hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.