10 Directors For Star Wars Episode 9

2. Duncan Jones

Duncan Jones So far the son of David Bowie is two-for-two as a filmmaker, with cult sci-fi flicks Moon and Source Code both mostly blowing us away with their visual splendour and inventiveness. In addition to these two hits, he's also currently in post-production on the $100-million-budgeted Warcraft movie, and if he can nail that rabid, fickle fanbase, there's absolutely no reason he shouldn't get a shot at Star Wars in the future. Ever since he debuted with Moon, Jones has been thought of as a young director who would one day graduate onto the immense, and the one-two punch of Warcraft and Star Wars Episode IX would very much signify that. Still, if Warcraft is a hit, he may very well be tempted to return for the inevitable sequels, so it will be up to Disney to try and lure the director away from the tried and tested into uncharted and wholly more exciting waters. Still, World of Warcraft or Star Wars? The choice would be a pretty easy one for us... How Likely Is It? 6/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.