10 Directors Who Always Make The Same Movie

3. Uwe Boll

Uwe BollThe Movie: The Movie Nobody Wants To See That Somehow Still Gets Made Uwe Boll has been deemed to be a "modern day Ed Wood", meaning that he is seemingly incapable of making a good film, and instead seems to revel in making tawdry, low-budget productions that have developed their own cult fanbase. Boll (who has earned the nicknames "The Toilet Boll" and "Raging Boll") rose to fame (or rather, infamy) for his execrable collection of video game adaptations, including House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark and Bloodrayne, and has branched out to direct a more general assemblage of dreck also. Boll used to exploit a loophole in German tax law that meant the losses his films made could be written off, meaning that nobody (except the government) actually lost any money. The ridiculous thing is that even when this loophole closed, Boll was somehow still able to make movies, and currently has 4 films either in production or post-production. Indeed, Uwe Boll always makes the same movie - they're always complete s***.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.