10 Directors Who Should Helm The Batman (If Affleck Quits)

4. Alfonso Cuarón

Kevin Smith Batman
2016 Getty Images

Known For: Gravity, Children Of Men, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

What do you get when you combine the family-friendly yet edgy nature of Prisoner Of Azkaban, the realism of Children Of Men and the blockbuster spectacle of Gravity? Answer: one hell of a good contender for the director's chair on The Batman.

Truth be told, Cuarón doesn't direct too many movies - there were seven years between Children Of Men and Gravity, which released in 2013, and his next film still isn't out yet - but given that The Batman doesn't have a release date and could very easily be pushed to 2019 or even 2020, there's still time for him to do it.

The director is known for his uninterrupted, long takes, present in the three movies mentioned above, and this is a stylistic choice that plants the audience directly in the middle of a scene, lending the film a visceral quality that not many can achieve.

How cool would a shot of this nature be in The Batman?

We could snake through a darkened warehouse and watch as Batman methodically takes out thugs one by one, all in a single one-shot action scene. Cuarón's Oscar is indicative of his skill, and he's a respected filmmaker that would bring a ton of credibility to the fledgling DCEU.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.