1. Disarmed - 127 Hours

Danny Boyles follow up to his Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire is a true story about a man who became trapped underneath a boulder while canyoneering in Utah. He was trapped for days until he took matters into his own hands, literally, and sawed his own arm off. James Franco portrayed the real life survivor Aron Ralson and he gives a magnificent performance. The movie became notorious for its unbearably graphic self-amputation sequence which reportedly caused people to become ill at some screenings. It wasnt just the blood and guts that Boyle employed to make the scene realistic but the sharp stings on the soundtrack which sent shivers down the viewers spine. Its an altogether nauseating moment in an otherwise inspirational and spirit lifting film about survival and the will to live. Its torture porn for the art house crowd; in other words, a must see... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vo3INoJZLA