10 Disney Films With Shockingly Dark Source Material

7. Snow White

Snow White Apple

Snow White is the story of the unfortunate fairest of them all and how jealousy led to her being poisoned and forced to live, unconscious, in a house with seven dwarves. All fine so far. Eventually she is revived by the kiss of a prince and they live happily ever after, of course.

This story comes from one of the many fairy tales conjured by the depraved minds of the brothers Grimm, a pair of German academics know for their less than PG fairy tales of which so much modern tales are based. The Grimm brothers version of Snow White is similar in many ways to Disneys watered down version but with one key difference missing. In the Grimm brothers tale, the witch is not simply killed but punished, and punished pretty viciously.

The witch is forced to dance in boiling hot iron shoes until she can take it no more and dies. I mean poisoning someone out of pure jealousy is pretty bad, no doubt, but still that all seems a bit much.

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