10 Disney Pixar Actors Who Are No Longer With Us

1. Don Rickles - Toy Story Franchise

Toy Story Mr Potato Head

Who He Was

A beloved stand-up and comic actor, Don Rickles built a career insulting people and was pushed to fame when Frank Sinatra saw him, was insulted by him and loved it. He worked sporadically in film, taking parts in Kelly's Heroes, Keaton's Cop and Martin Scorsese's Casino among others, and spending most of the last year's of his career appearing on late night talk shows regularly or playing Mr Potato Head in Toy Story films and spin-offs.

Role: Mr Potato Head

Given his penchant for biting commentary and insults, Rickles was a great choice for Mr Potato Head, the Toy Story group's provocateur and cynic. Rickles' penchant for a well-placed barbed line suited Potato Head perfectly and he will be a major missing part when the fourth film returns in 2019 as he hadn't yet recorded his part.

Died: April 6th, 2017

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