10 Dramatic Movie Deaths You Couldn't Help Laughing At
5. Cohegan (Total Recall)
At the time of its release, the original Total Recall was one of the most expensive films ever made and a lot of its big budget went into the special effects department. Some of the effects still hold up pretty well, but they're not quite up to the same standard as modern CGI and some scenes looked rather ridiculous even in 1990, when the film hit cinemas.
One of the film's most memorable and hideous special effects can be seen when characters fall out onto the surface of Mars and begin to experience the effects of decompression. In real life, this would not be a pleasant experience by any stretch, but it wouldn't be quite as dramatic as it appears in the film, which shows eyes bursting out of sockets and heads inflating like balloons within just a few seconds.
The film's big bad, Vilos Cohaagen, experiences this firsthand after finding himself flailing around on the Red Planet's surface. His death is satisfying for audiences after he spent the whole film tormenting Arnold Schwarzenegger and friends, but it's also pretty amusing as he starts looking like a bad puppet from an old Jim Henson movie with his ridiculously swollen head and features.