10 Dumbest Decisions In Recent Horror Movies

1. Exploring A Terrifying Subterranean Lair - Barbarian

Barbarian movie

Place yourself in this individual's shoes.

You arrive at a property you own, where there are clear signs that people have been staying, despite your lack of knowledge to the contrary.

The door to the basement is open, and a little further exploration soon reveals an ominous hidden door. Behind said door lies a truly macabre room, containing a moldy mattress, a camcorder and a bucket - a chamber clearly designed for holding somebody prisoner.

Directly across from this apparent torture den lies another door, concealing a stairway that could easily be mistaken for the entrance to Hell - a foreboding set of steps descending endlessly into the lightless bowels of the earth. One does not have to be a detective to realize that remaining in this frightful environment could be detrimental to one's health - unless apparently, the person in question is Barbarian's AJ Gilbride.

Played in a delightfully obnoxious turn by Justin Long, the cretinous disgraced actor fails to comprehend the iota of warning signs before him - he's more excited about the prospect of adding more square footage to the value of his property than the fact that someone was clearly imprisoned in the basement!

Gaining even more brownie points for flawless intellect, AJ eventually descends the stairs and duly comes face to face with the nightmarish "Mother" - a mutated, inbred daughter of a serial killer who once owned the property - to set events in motion for a horrifically gruesome demise.

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1. Tim Carpenter (Final Destination 2)


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.