10 Dumbest Decisions In Recent Horror Movies

5. Confessing To Upstaging Pearl's Audition - Pearl

Barbarian movie

Ti Wests' stunning prequel to X, 2022's Pearl, follows the eponymous character - a disturbed young girl obsessed with making it as a movie star. After an array of horrific killings - that includes her parents and an unsuspecting projectionist - the film's penultimate sequence sees Pearl rejected at an audition in brutal fashion, dismissed for not being blonde or "All-American" enough for the casting crew's liking.

The part actually went to Mitsy, an unsuspecting young woman who takes the devastated Pearl home to try and console her. Lost in a haze of alienation and despair, Pearl proceeds to demonstrate her ultra-concerning levels of mental instability in glorious high definition, dementedly admitting her abhorrent crimes to the increasingly uncomfortable Mitsy.

This unhinged confession would have set the alarm bells ringing for most individuals, but Mitsy actually admits that she has taken the part upon being prompted by Pearl, sealing her doom when she tells her that she hopes that Pearl can come and see her perform. Telling her it's going to be "swell"? Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds.

In an even more pronounced demonstration of stupidity, Mitsy still takes her sweet time leaving a property containing a clearly disturbed individual with a bone to pick with her. Hell, she doesn't even start running until Pearl begins advancing with an axe in hand, eventually tripping over her high heels and allowing Mia Goth's vengeful villain to bludgeon her to death.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.