10 Dumbest Decisions In Superhero Movie History

2. Jonathan Kent Sacrifices Himself For No Reason...And Clark Lets It Happen - Man Of Steel

Man of Steel Jonathan Kent Kevin Costner
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder's divisive Superman (Henry Cavill) origin story was controversial for many reasons, least not its depiction of Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), who stridently feels that Clark should keep his identity a secret, no matter the human cost.

This comes to a head when Jonathan ends up caught in a tornado and, just as Clark goes to rescue him, he raises his hand, insisting that Clark not risk revealing himself by rescuing his father. Of course, this results in Jonathan's death.

The idea isn't awful by any means, but the execution is laughable because it doesn't make any sense.

Clark could've saved Jonathan in a nanosecond while all the bystanders were distracted with the chaos of the tornado, and even if you consider that Clark wasn't in full control of his powers yet, the logic still doesn't track that anyone in his position with his abilities would just let their father die.

Snyder clearly wanted to up the moral ambiguity of Jonathan's death by veering away from the traditional heart attack scenario, and while it's an interesting concept, the clunky writing and unintentionally comical direction make father and son look like a pair of dorks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.