10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Destination Characters

9. Stealing From A Dead Colleague - Final Destination 5

Final Destination 3
Warner Bros. Pictures

Out of all the sleazy womanisers who get their grizzly comeuppance in this franchise, it’s Final Destination 5’s Isaac who’s undoubtedly the most deplorable. Not only does he spend most of his time onscreen giving unwanted flirtatious remarks to every woman he meets, but he likewise makes the immoral decision to steal from the desk of one of his deceased colleagues who died in the disastrous bridge collapse. It's this action which has fatal consequences.

The theft is a voucher for a free massage at a spa. When he arrives at the spa, he's horribly unpleasant to the staff. He makes inappropriate advances towards the receptionist, he refuses to turn off his phone as instructed, and he's needlessly rude to his massage therapist.

After receiving some karma in the form of an aggressive massage with acupuncture needles, disaster strikes when a fire breaks out when Isaac's left alone. Panicked, he falls from the table needles-first before his ringing phone (which should be off) knocks a candle from a shelf and accelerates the flames.

Although the blaze doesn’t kill him, Isaac’s life is swiftly snuffed out when a falling Buddha statue crashes onto his head. This death was the least that Isaac deserved.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.