10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Destination Characters

4. Scaring A Horse - Final Destination 3

Final Destination 3
New Line Cinema

As absentminded as some of the ill-fated characters in this series can be, sometimes it’s random bystanders who prove to be the dumbest people in these films. One of the best examples of this comes from a pair of delinquent teenagers with firecrackers in Final Destination 3.

With most of the rollercoaster survivors now dead, the film’s climax occurs during a packed town fair as Wendy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) races to save her sister Julie’s life. What Wendy isn’t aware of, though, is that the ongoing fireworks are causing a nearby horse a lot of stress. And when idiotic kids decide to torment the animal further by igniting firecrackers next to it, the horse bolts, taking the rope and stake it was tethered to with it.

Terrifying an animal is never a clever idea, and here the consequences are severe. The rope gets wrapped around Julie’s neck and she’s dragged to what would’ve been her death if she wasn’t saved at the last second. However, the carnage isn’t over yet.

The horse bolts again after it’s hitched to a flagpole, flinging the projectile through the air and impaling Julie’s friend. This horror could've been avoided if two imbeciles didn't scare a horse.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.