10 Dumbest Things In Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy

9. Wasting Numerous Antagonists - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Star Wars They Fly Now Finn

The Star Wars franchise has unleashed some of the most captivating and instantly iconic baddies ever to show up on the big-screen over the years.

But for every terrifying Darth Vader or despicable Emperor Palpatine (pre-return, that is), there's also been a number of once-intriguing villains who ultimately ended up being stupidly wasted in the Skywalker Saga.

That was sadly very much the case throughout the sequel trilogy, too.

Though Kylo Ren certainly made for a compelling and layered villain-turned-hero, the rest of the enemies on show ranged from needlessly dumb to ridiculously underutilised.

Captain Phasma once seemed destined to become an icon in her own right after catching the eye during trailers for Episode VII: The Force Awakens. But she just ended up being a slightly shinier stormtrooper to be swatted away a few times.

General Hux could have been the sequels' slightly more unhinged answer to Grand Moff Tarkin, but just wound up turning into a silly pantomime distraction.

Then you have Supreme Leader Snoke, a properly sinister top villain brought to life by a fully motion captured-up Andy Serkis. Only, instead of backing Ren's master as an even bigger and more horrifying threat than the last wrinkly menace of the series, Johnson opted to chop him in half before Abrams came along and made him a silly standcast Palpatine puppet.

Why create more engaging and frightening new adversaries for our heroes to overcome when you can just idiotically turn them all into unintimidating jokes instead, eh?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...