10 Dumbest Things In Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy

6. Not Killing Off Chewbacca - Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars They Fly Now Finn

Speaking of the legendary big ball of fur, Chewbacca actually found himself in the middle of yet another hugely dumb moment during these hit-and-miss Star Wars sequels.

Two films after being shockingly ignored by Leia on D'Qar, Chewie was suddenly captured by the villainous First Order during Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

Then, as Rey attempted to bring down that Chewie-carrying transport whilst Kylo Ren pulled the spacecraft in the opposite direction, the granddaughter of Palpatine inadvertently pulverised that ship via unexpected Force lightning.

Just like that, one of the OG icons was tragically killed by his mate - a daring move that highlighted the level of raw power Rey possessed and supported the idea that she may even be moving that little bit closer towards the dark side.

But rather than let that heartbreaking and deeply surprising moment be, Abrams and co. just opted for the cowards' way out, soon revealing that Chewie was actually on another transport the whole time.

Instead of leaving folks watching on relieved, the lazy twist just irritated many a Star Wars fan and made them feel stupid for ever believing Disney would have the guts to commit to such a bold idea in the first place.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...