10 Dumbest Villains In Movie History

6. Zod - Man Of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel Zod
Warner Bros.

The military leader of a society that has progressed (or devolved, depending on your point of view) to the extent that the people are genetically selected and bred for their position, Zod must, by the logic of this premise, be the most badass general on Krypton by design.

Finding his home destroyed, and left only with a selection of cronies and henchmen, Zod travels the galaxy searching for Kryptonian outposts, only to find them all lost. However, a distress signal from one buried ship leads him to Earth, where he discovers Kal-El, the supposed last son of Krypton. Zod€™'s plan is to obtain the genetic codex from Kal-El containing the blueprints to resurrect the Kryptonian race, and then terraform Earth to be more like Krypton, thus resurrecting the planet as well.

Of course, when he arrives on Earth he discovers that Kryptonians living on the planet become godlike beings with uncharted strength and invulnerability. Despite this, he chooses to move ahead with a plan that will likely remove the elements that have allowed this happy accident to occur, most of which involves simply bashing his way through the planet€™'s military and urban infrastructure like a human missile. That'€™s right: the man bred for military superiority finds a planet where their alien physiology allows he and all of his inner circle to become living weapons, and ignores it as nothing more than a useful tool in capturing the unexpectedly superpowered Kal-El. He€™s not a super soldier - he€™s a grade-A moron.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.