10 Embarrassing Times Movie Actors Tried To Be Badass

2. Quentin Tarantino - Reservoir Dogs

Green Street

This isn’t Tarantino’s worst performance - that would be Django Unchained - but Reservoir Dogs’ Mr Brown is the only time the auteur clearly believed he was being genuinely cool. He casts himself in a minor role (though he opens the film with a lengthy monologue about Madonna), but is all too eager to film himself in slow motion with the rest of the cast like a kid tagging along with his older brothers.

Even clad in the exact same black suit and shades, he stands out like a sore thumb among Harvey Keitel, Michael Madsen, and Tim Roth as they mosey down the road in the iconic credit sequence. He has the self awareness to refrain from taking up much screen time, but in a sense that’s even worse - it’s like he’s only there to play dress up and get a few snaps taken with the cool crew.

It’s no coincidence that Tarantino’s finest role - From Dusk Til Dawn’s Richard Gecko - sees him playing a creepy weirdo rather than a slick bank robber. In that role, he’s a natural.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)