10 Epic Moments In Sergio Leone Films

6. Harmonica's Revenge - Once Upon A Time In The West

Once Upon a Time in America Harmonica
Paramount Pictures

Another epic Leone duel, another outstanding Morricone film score.

Like the previous duel on this list, all is revealed during the final battle between the film's mysterious protagonist Harmonica, played by the immortal Charles Bronson, and the cold blooded killer Frank, who as previously mentioned was played by Henry Fonda, who was cast against type as the villain.

Morricone's gripping soundtrack dominates the sequence, with hardly a word being spoken during the eight minutes of screen time that Leone dedicates to the duel.

The sound of Morricone's now legendary harmonica composition rings out, as the identity of Harmonica is finally revealed. He and his brother had been victims of Frank's reign of terror, with a harmonica being used to torment the young Harmonica. After Frank is eventually shot down, the outlaw still does not understand why the stranger is obsessed with him and demands that he reveals who he really is. Frank asks "Who are you?". Without uttering a single word, Harmonica places the harmonica in Franks mouth and immediately the outlaw remembers, before he promptly succumbs to his wounds.

Once Upon a Time in the West is arguably Leone's most satisfying story payoff, and the incredible performance of Bronson has ensured that the western is regarded by many critics as a masterpiece.


Film and history enthusiast, writing articles about some of cinema's best from both the past and present. Find me on Twitter @JThurstance