10 Most Epic Movie Battles Of All-Time

3. Attack On The Death Star (Star Wars)

20th Century Fox20th Century FoxThe galaxy far, far away has hosted more than its fair share of epic battles €“ both in space and on land €“ but the one which stands out as the most dramatic, memorable and totally awesome is the Rebels hopeless attack on the behemoth space station €“ the Death Star. The Rebel squadron show little to no sign of fear despite being hopelessly outgunned, flying into what seems like certain death in a bid to force the Empire to loosen its stranglehold on the Galaxy. The Death Star €“ a space station the size of a moon €“ is not only kitted out with a dedicated defence system (though its super laser is useless against mobile targets) but it is also guarded by a huge squadron of TIE fighters led by Darth Vader himself. The attack on the jewel of the Empire€™s fleet is a suitably epic ending to what is arguably the great Star Wars movie which single handily and irrevocably altered the sci-fi genre. We see many good men lose their lives to the faceless Stormtroopers and the Death Star€™s many defenses. In the end it all comes down to Luke who has one shot to rid the galaxy of this military menace. Turning off his guidance system and summoning the Zen-like guidance of the force, young Skywalker makes the high-pressure shot and the space station with this inexplicable Achilles-heel explodes.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.