It's becoming almost a cliche that David O Russell picks up Oscar buzz using basically the same cast of actors, but so far it's worked out well for him. It's worked out so well, in fact, that he's now made what sounds like a conscious effort to troll the audience into accepting that he could make any film irresistibly watchable with the right talent on screen. That can be the only reason he chose to tell the story of the invention of the Miracle Mop. Obviously the film is a lot more than that, and the biggest selling point is watching Jennifer Lawrence transform herself again with a challenging role. This time she's clearly channelling both Erin Brockovich's anti-patriarchal, anti-class bigotry rise success story and the heart-warming adversity conquering spirit of the likes of Pride and Kinky Boots. Plus, Robert De Niro appears to be playing a complete douchebag, which he is always more watchable as. Less Exciting: Lawrence's insistence she will continue to work with Russell until he dies: Johnny Depp scored a few great successes with Tim Burton early on and stuck with him, and look how that turned out.