10 Essential DC Villains Not Yet Used In The DCEU

5. Hal Jordan

Darkseid DC Comics
DC Comics

Regardless of the creative ups and downs that the DC Extended Universe has gone through, there’s still plans afoot for Warner Bros. to give audiences a Green Lantern Corps. movie. The previous word on that offering is that it would be a team-up tale of sorts, encapsulating several of the famed Emerald Knights.

While Hal Jordan is the most well-known of the Green Lanterns, the comic book Jordan has had some extremely dark days, not least during his several years spent as the nefarious Parallax. On the villain front, Parallax was one of the most powerful characters in the entire galaxy and caused some major headaches for DC’s finest.

By skewing the narrative of Green Lantern Corps. to spin Hal as the villain of the piece, the DCEU could allow Green Lanterns such as John Stewart, Kilowog, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner or even Alan Scott to take centre-stage. Then, of course, there’s the option to follow this through by doing a redemption arc for Hal.

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Senior Writer

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