10 Essential Documentaries That Every Aspiring Screenwriter Needs To See

2. Tales From The Script (2009)

talesfromthescriptTales From The Script doesn't much like Hollywood. The screenwriting process is painted very honestly here, and it doesn't look pretty: in fact, here's a documentary that might put you off the idea entirely. Then again, if you can't hack this, what's awaiting you in real-life is gonna be a whole lot worse. That said, this is probably the best and most in-depth documentary based entirely around the subject of screenwriting as a profession. A combination of up close and personal interviews with real working screenwriters, Tales From The Script serves as a kind of cautionary tale and a genuine handbook all in one. There aren't many other documentaries out there that are aimed towards screenwriters entirely: all of the facts and tips you'll pick up here are invaluable, despite the fact that much of Tales From The Script is as a vehicle for screenwriters to vent about their misfortunes. Mix that with lots and lots (seriously, there's lots) of nightmarish stories about how difficult it is to get a script made, and how Hollywood likes to ruin everything you write, and you've got this documentary. It kind of feels like this was made to warn people about what is already regarded as a horrible place to work, but I found it kind of inspiring. Well, sort of. I'll say it didn't put me off entirely. That's probably because the screenwriters we get to meet here are some of the best to have ever worked the industry (Shane Black, John Carpenter, Paul Schrader and William Goldman, to name but a few) and you never get the sense that these guys are trying to sound neutral or pragmatic: Hollywood will eat you and your screenplay up, so get ready. Still, which other movie gives you direct access to 46 successful screenwriters?

All-round pop culture obsessive.