10 Essential Marvel Villains Not Yet Used In The Movies

6. Annihilus

Annihilus Marvel.jpg

Why He's Awesome: He's the all-powerful ruler of the Negative Zone, who uses his Cosmic Control Rod to bend its inhabitants to his will. Annihilus has attempted to invade Earth countless times, and of course, is always thwarted by the Fantastic Four.

He is also in possession of a super-strong armoured suit which can withstand pretty much any type of damage, while be boasts super-strength, can inflict massive energy blasts with his Rod, and possessing the weapon pretty much makes Annihilus biologically immortal. Any time he dies, he is simply reborn.

Hell, if you need the combined efforts of Thanos and Galactus to take you out just temporarily, you're definitely a totally bada** villain worthy of a screen treatment.

How Likely Is He?: The main problem here is that the Fantastic Four movie property is in a major state of flux and indecision right now following last year's embarrassing bomb. He's possible if another F4 movie ever gets made, but this could be a long way off, and even then, a major "if". Still, he's got a better shot than another Doctor Doom, right? 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.