10 Essential Movies On Netflix You've Probably Missed

2. It's Such A Beautiful Day

In a world where computer generated animation largely aimed at children dominates the market it's a real breath of fresh air when an animated feature like It's Such A Beautiful Day comes along and graces our screens. It offers a timely reminder that animation can function as so much more than simply keeping the little ones entertained for a couple of hours. Don Hertzfeldt has long established himself as a truly idiosyncratic animator, with his trademark stick figure animations offering a unique perspective on the modern world. It's Such A Beautiful Day embodies the best of his work, serving up three chapters which follow the life of stick figure Bill as he goes about his daily life. Blending humour with philosophical reflections, the simplistic animation style of It's Such A Beautiful Day belies the intelligence and warmth at its heart. Filmmakers like Hertzfeldt are never likely to enter the mainstream, but on the evidence of this gem they certainly deserve to reach a wider audience.
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