10 Essential Movies On Netflix You've Probably Missed

8. Shall We Dance?

It's almost impossible to think of a hugely successful Japanese movie which hasn't been remade by American studios. While mostly these tend to come from the horror genre, Shall We Dance? makes a welcome change, offering a gentle and touching comedy-drama about a bored salaryman who decides to take up ballroom dancing. Richard Gere played the central role in the US remake but in the Japanese version - currently available on Netflix - it was Kji Yakusho who wowed audiences with his footwork on the dancefloor. This is the very definition of amiable filmmaking, subtly blending a delicate character study with elements of romantic comedy without ever sinking into maudlin sentimentality. Fans of Japanese cinema would do well to check out more films starring the great Kji Yakusho - Tampopo, The Eel and 13 Assassins are just three of the many great films he's appeared in.
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