10 Essential Parts Of Movie Franchises (That Weren’t Introduced Until The Sequel)

1. The Whole Bond Formula - Goldfinger

The Iconic Element: The quips, a duplicitous woman with a thinly-veiled innuendo name, Q giving out gadgets that will have exactly one moment of use later on, M showing restrained irritation at Bond's swagger, a scenery chewing villain with a clear, over-the-top plot, the odd, yet uniquely talented, henchman; even if you haven't seen any of early James Bond flicks, you know the 007 formula. Heck, it's such a part of popular culture that it's been parodied en masse and contemporary entries in the franchise still treat the overarching ideals with respect. When It Was Actually Introduced: Most of the key formula elements had been present in Dr. No and From Russia With Love, but it was only with Goldfinger that they were brought together into one refined collection. Everything you think of as quintessentially Bond was created (Oddjob was the first typical henchman) or refined (Major Boothroyd was renamed Q) in this film, leaving behind the high watermark by which any new movie in the series is measured behind. Beyond all that, however, Goldfinger's biggest contribution to the Bond myth is unbelievably slight; it was the movie where "shaken, not stirred" was first uttered. What other iconic moments weren't introduced until the sequel? Share any that were missed down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.