10 Essential Parts Of Movie Franchises (That Weren’t Introduced Until The Sequel)

9. Jedi Can't Love - Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

The Iconic Element: The Star Wars prequels may not have lived up to people's expectations (#understatement), but you can't deny they offered up some great teaser posters; young Anakin's shadow forming Darth Vader is simple yet brilliant. That's probably not worth making three whole movies most people hate, but, still, credit where it's due. Episode II's proudly trumpeted "A Jedi shall not know know anger... nor hatred... nor love", reaffirming that in a galaxy full of rebels, rogues and bounty hunters Jedi are the equivalent of space monks and that Anakin and Padmé's relationship was pretty much doomed from the start. When It Was Actually Introduced: Outside of the vague properties of the Force, little was revealed about the Jedi Order in the original trilogy. One thing that definitely wasn't the case, however, was that whole celibacy subclause. After all, Anakin clearly had relations to father his twins. This was so accepted that in the Expanded Universe Luke happily married and had a son post-Return Of The Jedi. Right, so this is one of those dumb things Lucas messed up when he started on the prequels? Well, not quite; this wasn't even established in The Phantom Menace. It was only when Attack Of The Clones came around and George Lucas realised the only way he could manufacture romantic drama was through made-up restrictions that is was introduced.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.