10 Essential Summer Blockbusters That Aren't Part Of A Franchise

10. Trainwreck

Judd Apatow seemed to take over Hollywood comedies in the mid-noughties, being involved in a string of hits like Anchorman, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and Superbad, all of which seemed like off-shoots of his tragically short-lived TV show Freaks And Geeks. Recently, however, the run of form has started to end, with This Is 40, the last film he directed, being less-than-warmly received. Trainwreck (released in the UK on August 28), then, marks his first directorial effort in three years, and the first in his filmography he didn't write. Which, based on This Is 40, may very well be for the best. Instead, Amy Schumer is on script duties, making her big-screen writing debut, as well as starring. Schumer will play a magazine writer who has spent all her life thinking monogamy is impossible, until she starts to fall for the subject of an article she€™s writing (Bill Hader). John Cena, Brie Larson and Tilda Swinton are also on the cast list, while you can expect an appearance from NBA superstar LeBron James. With Schumer having received Emmy nominations for both writing and acting, for her comedy show Inside Amy Schumer, she definitely has the comedic chops for this, so if she can translate her TV success to film then Trainwreck should have no trouble in the humour department.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.