10 Essential Summer Blockbusters That Aren't Part Of A Franchise

8. Spy

Paul Feig€™s follow-up to The Heat is Spy, a spy comedy reuniting him with one half of that buddy cop duo, Melissa McCarthy. This marks the third consecutive film the duo have worked on together, starting back in 2011 with Bridesmaids, with a fourth already in the works - the much discussed all-female Ghostbusters film. In Spy, McCarthy€™s desk-bound CIA agent Susan Cooper volunteer to go undercover to infiltrate the world of an arms dealer, and prevent a global disaster. Presumably hilarity ensues. While easy to be cynical about McCarthy€™s tendency to just play the same character over and over, it€™s worth remembering that Bridesmaids was a genuinely funny film. Also, what Spy really has going for it that the The Heat didn't is the appearance of Jason Statham. The Stath is like the British version of The Rock, less muscle-bound but just as good when it comes to action scenes and cracking wise. Add in the likes of Jude Law, Morena Baccarin and Rose Byrne and you have a fairly well-rounded cast, and a movie that could deliver plenty of action and lots of laughs.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.