10 Essential Superman Villains Not Yet Used In The Movies

7. Toyman

Toyman Superman The Animated Series
Warner Bros.

Like most of Superman's villains, the Toyman has undergone a lot of change since his original appearance. As the name suggests, Toyman (real name Winslow Schott) has a bit of an obsession with toys and, as he is a villain, toy-themed death traps.

However, what was once a fairly comedic character is today a rather unsettling one, with the character's STAS appearance a testament to that. Sporting a doll-like mask and a creepy voice provided by Bud Cort and then Corey Burton, Toyman stood out immediately as an unnerving villain - one more closely aligned to the gothic inflections of Gotham City than the bombast and bustle of Superman's Metropolis.

That's largely what makes him such an interesting bad guy though. Sure, he has those over-the-top, Dick Sprang-style schemes in his pocket, but in recent years he's been more concerned with kidnap, murder, and just being creepy.

Both elements could work for a Superman film, but in divesting from the edge and darkness of the DCEU, fans may be hoping for the character's earlier incarnation instead.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.