10 Essential Time Travel Movies

4. The Terminator (dir. James Cameron, 1984)Terminator Of all Roger Corman€™s pupils, James Cameron is the one who has least adhered to the master€™s teaching about narrative discipline. But whatever the excesses of his more recent works, The Terminator remains a lean and intelligent science fiction film. In case you needed reminding, it follows the journey of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) as she attempts to evade a Terminator, a killing machine set back in time from 2029 when the human race has been largely exterminated by sentient machines. The Terminator is notable for any number of reasons. It made Arnold Schwarzenegger a star, lifting him from the high camp of the Conan films into something more powerful and threatening. It kick-started Cameron€™s career, leading not just to the acclaimed sequel but Aliens and The Abyss. But beyond the star power or it terrifying effects, the film is an interesting work in the post-apocalyptic canon, taking the imagery and concerns of The Time Machine or Mad Max 2 and bringing them into the later Cold War age.

4 The Terminator

Time Travel Trivia: Arnie originally didn€™t want to say the line €œI€™ll be back€, feeling that he couldn€™t pronounce €œI€™ll€ convincingly with his accent. He tried to persuade Cameron to change the line to €œI will be back€, but Cameron refused, telling him to €œsay it the best he could.€


Freelance copywriter, film buff, community radio presenter. Former host of The Movie Hour podcast (http://www.lionheartradio.com/ and click 'Interviews'), currently presenting on Phonic FM in Exeter (http://www.phonic.fm/). Other loves include theatre, music and test cricket.