10 Essentials For A Deadpool Movie

4. Break The Fourth Wall

Deadpool-71 The seminal quality of the Merc with the Mouth is his metafictional awareness. And any legitimate Deadpool movie needs to have a Wade Wilson that can and will break the fourth wall...vigorously, tastelessly and with full impunity. When Rob Liefield ripped off Deathstroke the Terminator all those years ago, he gave Marvelites a character that could€™ve been just another generic assassin/potential lawsuit. Except one thing: that seemingly obvious copyright infringement just happened to be fundamentally different than pretty much every character ever taken to page. He just happened to know he was in a comic book. And to this day he€™s the only one in on the joke. And a cinematic Deadpool needs to be in on it too. Not only is it the hilarious and awesome answer to the Origins/Weapon XII question from above, but it will certainly offer up the kind of laughs that will not only tickle the fancy of fans, but crossover well with new audiences. I mean, imagine Deadpool in the middle of a shootout talking smack about the logistics of cinematic gun violence? Or Wade Wilson turning to the screen and giving the audience some background while his on-screen companions look at him confusingly? It€™s vintage Deadpool and it€™s one of the key ingredients to a Deadpool movie being done right. Let€™s face it, Community and Family Guy have carved out successful franchises on the back of meta-fiction over the past few years €“ but Deadpool has been meta since €˜91! But being meta isn€™t the only character trait an on-screen Deadpool needs. He also needs...

Writer, philosopher and evil-genius who loves writing about all things geek or newsy - while preparing for the inevitable robot-apocalypse. Trust me kids, it'll happen before the zombies. Follow him for non-sensical ramblings on Twitter @TheGospelofAsif.