10 Even More Best "I'm Dead And I Know It" Movie Moments

1. Clifford Antagonises The Sicilian - True Romance

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Warner Bros.

And finally, we have one of the most brilliantly written and acted death scenes in cinema history, from Tony Scott's Quentin Tarantino-penned crime thriller True Romance.

The film revolves around newlyweds Clarence (Christian Slater) and Alabama (Patricia Arquette), who find themselves on the run from the mob after accidentally stealing a shipment of drugs.

This brings them into the realm of mob consiglieri Vincenzo Coccotti (Christopher Walken), who in an attempt to track the couple down pays a visit to Clarence's father, Clifford (Dennis Hopper).

Clifford, obviously having no intention of giving up his son's location and being well aware he's a dead man either way, decides to cut the torture short by effectively goading Coccotti into murdering him.

In a glorious monologue, he provokes the evidently racist Coccotti by suggesting that Italians are descended from Black people, calling him "part eggplant."

In turn, an enraged Coccotti shoots him dead, his own racism having effectively been used against him. Genius.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.